Psalm 1:2 (ESV) says, "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night."
As believers, we should find our delight in the Word of God. The Bible is not just a book of rules and regulations, but it is the living and active Word of God that speaks to us and transforms our lives. When we meditate on the Word of God, it helps us to renew our minds, to gain wisdom, and to draw closer to God.
But what does it mean to meditate on the Word of God? It means to think deeply and reflectively on the Scriptures, to ponder the meaning and significance of what we read. It means to take the time to study and understand God's Word, to allow it to permeate our hearts and minds.
So how do we meditate on the Word of God day and night? Should we walk around constantly reading our bibles? While this is obviously a comedic idea, it is something to think about. What if we were able to think about God’s word on a constant basis? Psalm 119 says “I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” We can spend time to memorize answers to our science tests, lines to a play, quotes from our favorite show, or even lyrics to our favorite songs but we struggle to memorize the Word. When we make memorizing the Word of God a priority in our lives, it transforms the way we think, speak, and act. We begin to see the world through the lens of Scripture, and we become more and more like Christ.
Do I find delight in reading and studying God's Word? If not, why?
How often do I take the time to meditate on the Word of God?
Spend some time to begin memorizing Psalm 1:1-2.
P.S. Once you have memorized the first two verses you should begin to work on memorizing all of Psalm 1 :)
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